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Nature's Creation

Nature's Creation Fungicide with Corn Meal Horticultural Grade - 30 lbs.

Nature's Creation Fungicide with Corn Meal Horticultural Grade - 30 lbs.

Regular price $ 31.95
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Nature's Creation Fungicide with Corn Meal is a natural fungicide that fights soil borne diseases such as brown patch,take all patch,black/gray spot,in St. Augustine and damping off in seedlings.  It also controlss several disease pathogens including rhizoctonia, pythium, fusarium, phytophthora, and others.  Safe to use on all grasses.  Always use as directed.


Turf and fairways:     Apply 30 lbs./1,000 sq.ft. (3 lbs./100 sq.ft.) over affected area and two feet outside the area to prevent further spreading of the disease.  Apply every 10 days oras needed.

Annual and Perennial Bed Prep:  Mix 30 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. (3 lbs./100 sq. ft. of bed area.  This will aid in prevention of soil diseases.

Garden Ponds and Tanks:   For control paint-like or filamentous algae apply 5-7 lbs.per 1,000 sq. ft.  or 300 lbs. per acre of surface water in garden ponds and tanks with no outlet to other surface waters.

Active Ingredient:


Inactive Ingredient:

Corn Meal...........99.0%

Not for human consumption

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