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Hi-Yield Blood Meal - 8 lbs.

Hi-Yield Blood Meal - 8 lbs.

Regular price $ 27.50
Regular price Sale price $ 27.50
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Slow release natural organic nitrogen for roses, flowers, and shrubs.
Hi-Yield blood Meal is for roses, flowers (such as pansies,violets, caladium, etc.),trees, shrubs, and other plants where luxuriant tip growth and deep green foliage is desired.

-Flowers and bedding plants - Use at rate of 2 lbs./100 sq. ft. or 2 lbs./100 ft. of row. Scatter over 6 inches on either side of row. Sprinkle lightly over area and water in after application. Pansies can be helped to bloom larger and more profusely by using blood meal at rate of 1 lb. to 25 pansy plants. Violets will respond with unusually long stems by using same rate as for pansies. For large colorful leaf growth on caladiums, apply on soil around plants and water well.
-Individual plants and shrubs - Apply 1/4 cup/9 sq. ft. of plant area. Broadcast evenly under branches, scratch lightly into soil, and water in after application.
-NOTE: Wash off any fertilizer that may come in contact with leaves and flowers.

N-P-K = 12-0-0 derived from blood meal.
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